

Hello there welcome to is to bring you an amazing videos view of my home town for you to visit when you plan your next holiday vacation. A small country in South East Asia with the land of rich culture bordering with Thailand, Vietnam and Laos know as Cambodia. You wish at least once of your life, you have to see this beautiful place on planet specially the Angkor Wat, Angkor Thom, the temple of the city.

And I'll bring you an amazing of Khmer Traditional dance for you as well, like the mouse popular dance in Cambodia such as Apsara Dance, Coconut Dance, Reamke Dance,...

 It has always been the symbol of Cambodia, this is the largest, the biggest, the most beautiful temple located in Siem Reap province, Cambodia. You can hardly believe that if the see the general view of Angkor Wat. During that time I have talk to hundreds of travelers every day, in result was very few of them has visited Cambodia.

 Cambodia have received millions of people in the year ended 2013 but this was just a very small percent if compared to Thailand even Cambodia one of the top three beautiful place on earth as I mentioned above. This is because of we are lack of information to show to those travelers.

So my second goal here is to help the hospitality business owner by promote this beautiful country views to attract more travelers to visit here, by doing so those owners have more chances to show their beautiful hotel rooms.

let them know that an amazing videos view of Cambodia with beautiful hotel rooms here are waiting for Their perfect hotel location and design, their restaurants, their guest houses to those travelers and them to stay and discover.

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