
Friday, March 13, 2015

Angkor Thom Temple Siem Reap Cambodia

This video is showing you about Angkor Thom temples, it was the Bayon temple, at the center of Angkor Thom, which most confounded the archaeologists of the Khmer named as Yasodharapura.

The capital of king Yasovarman from the end of the 9th century, and was instead recognized as the official sanctuary of the last city of Angkor Thom, reconstructed by Jayavarman VII towards the end of the 12th century following it was sacked by the Chams.

It may seem surprising that, contrary to its function, a temple of this size was built without any external enclosure wall or moat until one appreciates that these were in effect formed by the ramparts of the city of Angkor Thom itself and by its moats, with the gates taking the place of Gopuras. This temple is the mouse popular temple as well after Angkor Wat.

Thanks for you watched.

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